Feeling like a fraud or an imposter out in the world?

Perhaps you’re familiar with statements such as, “I got that job because of pure luck” or “what if they found out I’m not all that great?” That’s the imposter syndrome talking. Experiencing self-doubt, feeling undeserving of your accomplishments, and believing that you’re not as competent as others perceive you to be may be other experiences that also arise when you’re experiencing imposter feelings. The imposter syndrome isn’t just tied to academic and professional areas of our lives, we can also feel incompetent in our relationships, about our appearance, or in others areas of our personal lives.

The imposter syndrome makes you anxious about:

  • Not being perfect or enough

  • Making mistakes and/or failing at something

  • Being perceived as less competent than you are

  • Being rejected or criticized by others

  • Not meeting self-imposed or others’ expectations

The imposter syndrome can leave you feeling:

  • Burnt out and overwhelmed

  • Dissatisfied or stressed in work, personal, and/or social areas of your life

  • Afraid to take reasonable risks

  • Unmotivated in life

  • Depressed and confused about your future

You are not alone. Imposter Syndrome is more common than you think.

Struggling with the imposter syndrome has become more of prevalent issue in the present day, and it can bring up struggles with perfectionism, overworking, burnout, and depression. By bringing more awareness to the beliefs that the imposter syndrome makes you believe, you can begin to make more space for messages that foster greater self-worth, and lean more into embracing yourself more fully, imperfections and all.

The Imposter Syndrome Workbook Can Help

Break free of imposter syndrome and cultivate a sense of self-worth, authenticity, and confidence just as you are. A source of support and guidance, The Imposter Syndrome Workbook: Exercises to Boost Your Confidence, Own Your Success, and Embrace Your Brilliance, will help you embrace yourself more fully as you move with confidence toward a more satisfying life.

  • Understand imposter syndrome—Explore what it is, where it comes from, and how it may impact you.

  • Build the skills you need—Affirmations, exercises, prompts, and practices help you boost self-confidence and avoid feelings of self-doubt.

  • Relatable anecdotes—Gain greater insight into your own imposter syndrome through other people’s stories.

Learn how to foster more compassion, trust, and love for yourself and others.

Imposter Syndrome Workbook Contents and Practices

Available wherever books are sold, including Amazon, Target, and Barnes & Noble!

The Imposter Syndrome Workbook: Exercises to Boost Your Confidence, Own Your Success, and Embrace Your Brilliance